Ourense & Monforte de Lemos
OURENSE Walking tour: Council Gardens, As Burgas (Thermal Springs at 70 degrees Centigrade). The Romanic Cathedral was building in the XII th. Century. (Porch of the Paradise, Holy Christ Chapel…). Episcopal Palace (Archaeological Museum). Santa Eufemia Baroque Church. Council Square (the “Espolón”). San Francisco Monastery & Stª. María Madre Church. Panoramic drive: a long the riverside, Roman Bridge, Millenium Bridge, “Ninphas” Promenade… MONFORTE DE LEMOS: College of the Piarist Fathers (small collection of paintings: El Greco, Andrea del Sarto, etc) , The Medieval Fortress-The Homage Tower, The Count’s Palace (built in the 16th century, the Counts of Lemos were one of the most important noble families of Spain), The Benedictine Monastery of San Vicente del Pino,…
Jornada Completa (8 horas mínimo) desde Lugo
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