Ulla Gardens

“Pazo” de Santa Cruz de Ribadulla

The founding of this “Pazo” (manor house) dates back to the 16th century and nowadays stands out as one of the best botanical gardens in Europe, with its magnificent camellias, gardenias, rhododendrons, azaleas ,… Other highlights include the “Walk of Olives Trees” probably from the fifteenth century, impressive centuryold magnolias, the avenue of ancient box trees, a watermill, a beautiful waterfall and a chapel.

“Pazo” de Oca

This National Historic Landmark, built in the 17th and 18th centuries, has a battlement tower ornamented with heraldic symbols, a baroque chapel, impressive ponds and magnificent gardens where outstand the beautiful camellias or the many century-old trees. It has been nicknamed “The Galician Versailles”.

[:es]Media Jornada (3,30 horas máximo) Es necesario transporte. Cerrado domingos y festivos por la mañana. Precio entradas: Sta. Cruz 3€/pax y Oca 4€/pax [:en]DURATION: 3,30 h. from Santiago Transportation required Closed on Sunday and Bank Holidays (morning) General prices: Sta.Cruz 3€/pax and Oca 4€/pax

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